Workshops and residencies play an important part in Teatro EnVilo ongoing development- they serve as an exploration of the theatre we want to do and the process of our work. Education projects focus the company on its central ideas of collaborative work and play.
We offer a number of possibilities for working with education and community groups. At the same time in our education program the company offers workshops, masterclasses and residencies where students and emerging theatre practitioners can have an inside to physical theatre performance and they will be encouraged to create their own devised pieces.
We offer a variaty of master classes, workshops and short courses for theatre professionals at all stages of their careers.
Teatro EnVilo also offers bespoke workshops
We run our professional development programme in Spain, UK, Europe and Internationally.
We release our Professional Development Courses dates throughout the year so please look out for advertisements on our website, on facebook or twitter.
If you are a theatre company we can work with you to create a bespoke workshop or residency for your company tailored to your group process and your play.
If you are a Teacher, University or Drama School practitioner we can work with you to create
a bespoke workshop for your students tailored to your teaching objectives so do get in touch at teatroenvilo@gmail.com
One of our main goals is to bring theatre to the people's lives and expand our individual, collective and universal imagination. We are happy to tailor workshops to the group we are working with, and are open to the possibility of working with all groups.
All our workshops have shared outcomes:
· Improving physical, social and creative confidence
· Enhancing key skills: performance, analysis and collaboration
· Engaging, expanding and inspiring imagination
For a discussion on how we can work with your group, or to book contact us on teatroenvilo@gmail.com